Omtech Computer Society

WordPad is a simple word-processing program that comes with Windows. It’s like a basic version of Microsoft Word. With WordPad, you can write and edit documents. You can change the font, make text bold or italic, and align your paragraphs. It also helps you find and fix spelling mistakes.

You can do some other things too, like adding pictures, tables, or web links to your documents. When you’re done, you can print your work or save it in different formats.

WordPad is easy to use, and it’s good for everyday writing tasks. But if you need fancy features or want to collaborate with others, you might need a more advanced program like Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer.

How to open Wordpad

You can open WordPad on a Windows computer using the following methods:

Method 1: Using the Start Menu/Search Bar (Windows 10/11)

  1. Click on the Windows icon in the lower-left corner of your screen to open the Start menu (or press the Windows key on your keyboard).
  2. In the “Type here to search” or “Search Windows” bar, start typing “WordPad.”
  3. As you type, you should see “WordPad” appear in the search results.
  4. Click on “WordPad” in the search results to open the application.

Method 2: Using Run (Windows 10/11 and earlier versions)

  1. Press the Windows key + R on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type “wordpad” into the Run dialog box.
  3. Press Enter or click “OK,” and WordPad should open.

Method 3: Using Cortana/Search (Windows 10/11)

  1. Click on the Cortana/Search icon (it looks like a magnifying glass) in the taskbar.
  2. In the search bar, type “WordPad.”
  3. Click on “WordPad” in the search results to open the application.

Method 4: Using File Explorer (Windows 10/11 and earlier versions)

  1. Open File Explorer by clicking on its icon in the taskbar or by pressing Windows key + E.
  2. Navigate to the following location: C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories
    (If you’re using a 64-bit version of Windows, the path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows NT\Accessories.)
  3. Find the “WordPad” application in the “Accessories” folder.
  4. Double-click on “WordPad” to open it.


  1. Cut (Ctrl+X): This option removes the selected text or objects from your document and copies them to the clipboard. The content can then be pasted elsewhere in the document or into another application.
  2. Copy (Ctrl+C): This option makes a copy of the selected text or objects and places them on the clipboard without removing them from your document. You can then paste this content elsewhere.
  3. Paste (Ctrl+V): This option inserts the contents of the clipboard (either text or objects) at the current cursor location in your document. It pastes the copied or cut content.
  4. Font Selection: Click on the “Font” dropdown menu to choose the font you want to use for your text. This dropdown lists various fonts installed on your computer, and you can select the one you prefer.
  5. Font Size: Next to the font dropdown menu, you can choose the font size for your text. You can either select a size from the dropdown list or type in a specific size.
  6. Bold (B): Click the “B” icon in the toolbar or press “Ctrl+B” to make the selected text bold. This option makes the text appear thicker.
  7. Italic (I): Click the “I” icon in the toolbar or press “Ctrl+I” to make the selected text italic. This option slants the text to the right.
  8. Underline (U): Click the “U” icon in the toolbar or press “Ctrl+U” to underline the selected text. This option adds a line beneath the text.
  9. Font Color: Click on the “Font color” icon in the toolbar to change the color of the selected text. A color palette will appear, allowing you to choose from various text colors.
  10. Strikethrough (abc): Click the “abc” icon with a strikethrough line in the toolbar to add a horizontal line through the selected text.
  11. Subscript (X2): Click the “X2” icon to make the selected text appear as a subscript, typically used for mathematical or chemical formulas.
  12. Superscript (X2): Click the “X2” icon to make the selected text appear as a superscript, often used for footnotes or exponent notation.
  13. Clear Formatting (Eraser): Click the “Eraser” icon in the toolbar to remove all formatting from the selected text, reverting it to the default font and style.
  14. Alignment (Left, Center, Right, Justify): You can align the selected paragraph(s) to the left, center, right, or justify (align both left and right margins) using the alignment icons in the toolbar.
  15. Bullets and Numbering: WordPad allows you to create bulleted or numbered lists. You can use the “Bullets” or “Numbering” icons in the toolbar to apply these styles to selected text or paragraphs.
  16. Increase Indent/Decrease Indent: These options, available as icons or under the “Format” menu, let you adjust the indentation of paragraphs. “Increase Indent” indents text further to the right, while “Decrease Indent” reduces the indentation.
  17. Line Spacing (Single, 1.5 Lines, Double): WordPad provides limited line spacing options. You can select single, 1.5 lines, or double spacing for your entire document under the
  18. Insert Picture: To add an image to your document, click on the “Insert” menu and select “Picture.” This will open a dialog box that allows you to browse your computer for an image file (e.g., JPEG, PNG) and insert it into the document.
  19. Insert Object: You can insert an object into your document, which may include creating or embedding other types of files like Microsoft Excel spreadsheets or charts. To do this, click on the “Insert” menu and select “Object.” This will open a dialog box with options for creating or inserting an object.
  20. Find (Ctrl+F): Find allows you to search for specific text within the document. When you use this option, a dialog box opens, and you can enter the text you’re looking for.
  21. Replace (Ctrl+H): Replace lets you find specific text and replace it with different text. It opens a dialog box where you can enter the text to find and the text to replace it with.
  22. Select All (Ctrl+A): This option selects all the text in the document, making it easy to apply formatting, copy, or delete large sections of text

difference between notepad and Wordpad

Notepad and WordPad are both text editors that come pre-installed with Microsoft Windows operating systems. However, they serve different purposes and have varying levels of functionality. Here are the key differences between Notepad and WordPad:

1. Functionality:

Notepad is a basic, plain text editor without formatting or advanced features, ideal for code and simple text files.

In contrast, WordPad is a more functional word processor, allowing document creation, text formatting, and basic object insertion, making it suitable for basic document editing and formatting tasks.

2. Formatting and Rich Text:

  • Notepad only works with plain text, so there’s no fancy formatting. It keeps everything simple.
  • WordPad can make text look fancy with different fonts and styles. It’s better if you want your document to look nice

3. Use Cases:

  • Notepad is great for working with plain text files, like when I’m editing code or jotting down notes quickly. It’s simple and fast.
  • On the other hand, WordPad is better when I want to create documents with basic formatting, such as letters or simple reports. It adds a bit of style to my documents without being too complicated.

4. Complexity:

  • Notepad is super simple and easy to use. It’s basic, and you don’t need to learn much.
  • WordPad is a bit more complex but still user-friendly. It has more features and options compared to Notepad.

what is the extension of Wordpad?

WordPad typically saves documents with the “.rtf” file extension, which stands for “Rich Text Format.” This format is a common choice for WordPad because it allows for basic formatting of text, including font styles, font sizes, bold and italic text, and paragraph alignment while remaining compatible with a wide range of text editors and word processing software.

Learn More about the Notepad

shortcut keys of Wordpad

  1. Ctrl + N: Create a new document.
  2. Ctrl + O: Open an existing document.
  3. Ctrl + S: Save the current document.
  4. Ctrl + P: Print the current document.
  5. Ctrl + C: Copy the selected text or object.
  6. Ctrl + X: Cut selected text or object.
  7. Ctrl + V: Paste copied or cut text or object.
  8. Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action.
  9. Ctrl + Y: Redo the last undone action.
  10. Ctrl + B: Bold selected text.
  11. Ctrl + I: Italicize selected text.
  12. Ctrl + U: Underline selected text.
  13. Ctrl + L: Left-align selected text or paragraph.
  14. Ctrl + E: Center-align selected text or paragraph.
  15. Ctrl + R: Right-align selected text or paragraph.
  16. Ctrl + J: Justify-align selected text or paragraph.
  17. Ctrl + 1: Set single-line spacing.
  18. Ctrl + 2: Set double line spacing.
  19. Ctrl + 5: Set 1.5 line spacing.
  20. Ctrl + A: Select all text in the document.
  21. Ctrl + F: Open the “Find” dialog to search for text.
  22. Ctrl + H: Open the “Replace” dialog to replace text.
  23. Ctrl + G: Go to a specific line in the document.
  24. Ctrl + W: Close the current document.
  25. Ctrl + Q: Exit WordPad.

Learn more about This topic


In conclusion, WordPad is a basic word-processing application included with the Microsoft Windows operating system. It provides users with a simple and straightforward tool for creating, editing, and formatting text documents. Here are the key points to summarize WordPad:

  1. Purpose and Target Audience: WordPad is designed for users who need a straightforward and easy-to-use word processing tool for tasks like writing letters, creating simple reports, taking notes, and basic document formatting.
  2. Features: While not as feature-rich as advanced word processors like Microsoft Word, WordPad offers basic text editing, formatting (including font styles, sizes, and paragraph alignment), spell-checking, and the ability to insert images, tables, and hyperlinks.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: WordPad has a user-friendly interface with a menu bar, toolbar, and a blank document area. It is accessible to users of all skill levels.
  4. File Formats: WordPad typically saves documents in Rich Text Format (.rtf), but it also supports other formats like Word Document (.docx) and Plain Text (.txt).
  5. Common Uses: WordPad is used for creating and editing simple text documents, including letters, essays, reports, and notes. It’s also suitable for quick formatting tasks and document printing.
  6. Limitations: WordPad may not have advanced features and capabilities needed for complex document editing and formatting. Users requiring advanced functionality often turn to more feature-rich word-processing software.

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